Scientific group on study of terrestrial ecosystems ecology of biology faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Head of scientific group: Kozeretska Iryna Anatoliyivna (kozeri (at)

Department of Study of Ecology of Rare Flora Species of Ukraine

Head of department: Parnikoza Ivan Yuriyovych (parnikoza (at)

Objectives of the department activities:

  • Support to revival of population biology of plants in Ukraine.
  • Collection of information on spreading of rare flora species.
  • Long-term monitoring of some rare flora species populations.
  • Studying of rare species biology to develop practical measures to improve state of their populations and methods of re-introduction.
  • Establishment of co-operation with other research groups.
  • Practical measures on protection of growth places of rare plants species.

The department starts its work in 2000, when detailed research of Kyiv green areas was started to reveal populations of rare and endangered plants that are protected under the Red Book of Ukraine or the decree of Kyiv City Council 219/940 from 29.06.2000. As the result, the following populations of the Red List species were discovered: Galanthus nivalis L., Pulsatilla pratensis, Stipa capillata L., Lilium martagon L., Salvinia natans (L.) All., Trapa natans L., and also 8 species of orchids: Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó, Orchis palustris Jacq., O. coriophora L., Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich., Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz. E. palustris (L.) Crantz., Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich., Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., Listera ovata (L.) R. Br. Populations of these species were taken under annual monitoring. Among regionally-rare species were discovered: Lycopodium clavatum L., Gymnocarpium drypoteris (L.) Newm., Nuphar lutea (L.) Smith., Nimphaea alba L., Juniperus communis L., Scorzonera purpurea L., Polemonium caeruleum L., Batrachium aquatile (L.) Dumort., Iris pseudacorus L., I. sibirica L., I. hungarica Waldst. Et Kit., Corydalis cava (L.) Shweigg. Et Koerte., Actea spicata L., Scilla bifolia L., Polistichum braunii (Spenn.) Fee., Ophioglossum vulgatum L., Botrychium multifidum (S. G. Gmel.) Rubr. Populations of many of these species are also taken under annual monitoring.

In this connection, we are strongly interested in monitoring of the same species in other regions of Ukraine and also in other countries. In our opinion, this will allow to compare data on population peculiarity of one or another species from different parts of natural habitat collected by different scientific groups. This will allow analyze reasons of its variations more deliberate.

The following activities are matters of our interest for now:

  • Studying of general spreading of Ophioglossaceae family representatives in Ukraine. Collection of information on ecological conditions of growth, population indexes, etc.
  • Studying of ecological conditions of growth, population indexes and mechanisms of dissemination (including myrmecochorous way/component) of Crimean endemic – Cyclamen kuznetzovii Kotov et Czernova.

Based on generalization of experience in nature conservation activity our scientific group periodically prepares and re-publishes the compendium “Rare flora: conservation, studying, re-introduction”, where some methods of rare flora conservation such as creation of protected areas, regional Red Lists, certification of species populations of the Red Book of Ukraine, etc. You can also find summary of corresponding legislation and example of its application within “Pershotsvit (Primrose)” campaign (control of illegal trade of early flowering plants). Principles and specific methods for studying populations as theoretical background of re-introduction adopted for fieldwork are described separately. Recommendations for agricultural regulations are also stated.

Contact e-mail: Parnikoza (at)

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